United Methodist Historical Society
The Historical Society of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference is among the oldest in the United Methodist Church. Founded in the 1860s, the Society is entirely voluntary and open to all, and works in partnership with the appointed members of the EPA Commission on Archives and History. The Eastern Pennsylvania Conference covers within its territory the southeastern quarter of the state of Pennsylvania, and was host to many of the formative events and founding personalities of the Methodist, Evangelical and United Brethren Churches, all of which part of our denominational “family tree.”
The Society has formal meetings three to four times a year, and is active in the work of preserving our collection of historic documents and artifacts, housed at St. George’s, as well as participating in events to promote a deeper understanding of our historical legacy. Since 2004, the Society has published an annual journal, The Annals of Eastern Pennsylvania, featuring articles which chronicle and examine our rich heritage, and we are pleased to have all our articles available online to researchers. We are also able to provide resources and speakers for historical events or services, as well as workshop leaders who can help local churches organize, store and research their history.
Basic membership in the society is only $20 per year, and you are invited to join; membership entitles you to attend meetings, receive our newsletter and your annual copy of The Annals of Eastern Pennsylvania. You may also purchase hard copies of individual issues of the Annals, upon request. Your support will enable us to continue to do the work of recovering, preserving and sharing the rich heritage of this, the most historic conference in the United Methodist Church.
Contact us for further information, including a membership application.
Articles from back issues of the Annals:
Glory in the Highest, I Will Shout and Sing, Hymnody, Rev. J. DiPaolo
Charles Albert Tindley, Faithful Servant of Christ, Amy C. Smith
The Bishop Who Almost Stood with Lincoln, James E. Kirby
Bishop Fred Pierce Corson, Dr. Frederick E. Maser
Rise of African Methodism in Lancaster County, Dr. Leroy T. Hopkins, Jr.
Eastern Pennsylvania’s Other Bishop Weaver, (History Snapshot)
Bishop Asbury, (History Snapshot)
Ranck's UMC, (History Snapshot)
Remembering John Harper, Dr. Joe Hale
A Century After: The Legacy of the Appenzellers, Kent E. Kroehler
Founding Session of the Delaware Conference, Anonymous
Whitefield The Methodist, Francis Tees
Mary Thorn, First Female Class Leader in America, George W. Lybrand
Benson's Chapel ME Church, Rev. J. DiPaolo
Jacob Albright, (History Snapshot)
Annie Wittenmeyer, First President of the WCTU, (History Snapshot)
Bishop Edmund S. Jane, (History Snapshot)
Coventryville UMC, (History Snapshot)
Rays of Light & Comfort: Simpson House History, Rev. David R. Adam
Jacob Albright in Monroe County, Rev. Dr. Cecil P.E. Pottieger
Philip Wm. Otterbein, Rev. J. George Mamourian
Riding Lancaster Circuit in 1822, Rev. Joseph Holdich
A Pastor Recalls the Gettysburg Campaign, Rev. John Walker Jackson
Frederick Douglass: Philadelphia Conf. Methodism, Frederick Douglass
Phyllis Wheatley's Tribute to Whitefield, (History Snapshot)
Bishop John Seybert, (History Snapshot)
Rev. David W. Bartine, (History Snapshot)
Rev, Blanche Lengle, (History Snapshot)
The Testimony of Rev. John Lednum, (History Snapshot)
Rev. John G. Manluff, (History Snapshot)
Radnor UMC, (History Snapshot)
Creaking Timber and Conflicting Traditions:
Richard Allen and the St. George's Walkout, Rev. Alfred T. Day III
The Changing Face of St. George's, Drawings and photos
Albright's Other People: The Evangelical Congregational Church,
Dr. Terry M. Heisey
"The Fathers, Where Are They?" A Memoir of Rev. Joseph Rusling,
Rev. Adam Wallace
From Methodist Bookstore to Valley Forge Conference Office,
Rev. Joseph F. DiPaolo
The Autobiography of Rev. Isaac James, M.D., Isaac James
Bishop Joseph Long, (History Snapshot)
Bishop Susan Hassinger, (History Snapshot)
A Camp Meeting, (History Snapshot)
Richard Allen in Radnor, (History Snapshot)
Sarah Elsegood, (History Snapshot)
Arch St UMC, (History Snapshot)
Unpublished Letter from Joseph Pilmoor, (History Snapshot)
Unpublished Letter from John Wesley, (History Snapshot)
The Abolitionist on Trial: Rev. John D. Long and the 1858 Philadelphia Conference, Hannah Adair Bonner
The Imprisonment of Rev. Samuel Green, (History Snapshot)
A Tribute to John D. Long, Rev. Joseph S. Lame
The Rev. Paula Mojzes: Methodism's First Female Superintendent,
Dr. Paul Mojzes
Spiritual Narrative of Mary Harmstead, Peter D. Myers
Memoir of Mrs. Harmstead, Rev. Joseph Castle
Rev. John Dickins: Outstanding Early Methodist Leader,
Dr. Frederick E. Maser
Letter of John Dickins to Rev. Edward Dromgoole, (History Snapshot)
John Dickins According to his Contemporaries, (History Snapshot)
Listen to the Tadpoles Sing!, Mark E. Dixon
"Wholly and Forever Thine:" The Life of Rev. John Inskip, John Inverso
Marshallton United Methodist Church, (History Snapshot)
Unpublished Letter of Frederick Douglass, (History Snapshot)
Unpublished Letter of Thomas Coke, (History Snapshot)
Philadelphia "Five Points:" Evangelism and Social Welfare at the Bedford Street Mission, Rev. Dr. Benjamin L. Hartley
A Letter of Bishop McKendree, (History Snapshot)
Hand Maiden from Honey Brook: The Life and Ministry of Rev. Lela McConnell, Fredrick Marz
An Account of the 1899 Honey Brook Revival, (History Snapshot)
Chasing Steeples: African Americans in the United Methodist Church, Rev. David William Brown
The Personal Testimony of Bishop Joseph F. Berry, (History Snapshot)
"A Great Curiosity:" Rev. William P. Corbit, a Son of St. George's,
Rev. J. Walker Jackson
Mid-Town Parish United Methodist Church Phoenix of Philadelphia Methodism, Rev. Joseph F. DiPaolo
Immigrant Churches: Korean Methodism in Eastern Pennsylvania,
Rev. Dr. K. Kale Yu
Fallen Meteor: Rev. Samuel Coate, J. William Lamb
Rawlinsville Camp Meeting: Making Disciples Since 1885,
Bishop Mike Sigman
Rev. Henry Boehm: A Methodist Life, Rev. Helen Adams
A Letter of Henry Boehm, (History Snapshot)
The "Odd Couple:" William Otterbein and Martin Boehm at Long's Barn, Rev. Joseph F. DiPaolo
Long's Barn Becomes a Heritage Landmark, Rev. Joseph F. DiPaolo
Richard Allen: from the Free African Society to Bethel AME Church,
Rev. Jean Williams
The Eccentric Irish Minister: Rev. William Barns, J. R. Flanagan
"Old Brick" UMC, Kensington After 200 Years, (History Snapshot)
Amanda Berry Smith: The African Sibyl, Randy Pletzer
Amanda Berry Smith in Philadelphia, Autobiography Excerpt
"Three Great Charities" Philadelphia as the Cradle of Methodist Health Care Initiatives in Victorian America, Rev. Dr. Kenneth E. Rowe
Cornwall Manor: How It All Started, Rev. Dr. J. Dennis Williams
Methodist Patriot: Isaac Anderson of Valley Forge, (History Snapshot)
African American Identity and the Sunday School at Zoar ME Church,
Dr. Carolynne H. Brown
A Letter of Rev. John Hagerty, (History Snapshot)
God's Forgotten Acre: The Minister's Burial Ground at Mount Moriah, Laura DiPaolo
"Delaware Jimmey" A Sketch of Rev. James Smith,
Rev. J. Rush Anderson
Bethel Hill UMC 240 Years of Witness,
Rev. Joseph F. DiPaolo
Abolition, Temperance and Anti Masonry, Rev. Dr. Anthony L. Blair
The Autobiography of Samuel Harvey, Samuel Harvey
Other Voices Recall Samuel Harvey
Peter Bohler After Aldergate, Albert F. Jordan
A Dear Lover of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Bohler)
Numbering the Annual Conference Sessions,
Rev. Joseph F.DiPaolo
The Memorable Conference of 1788, Rev. George W. Lybrand
Forgotten Churches: Siloam UMC, Allee Berger
A Letter from Lincoln's White House, John Hay
Rev. William SH Elliott, DD, Norman E. Donoghue, II
An 1840 Letter Between Itinerants,
Rev. David Shields to Rev. William H. Elliott
Lebanon Valley College, Rev. Dr. J. Dennis Williams
One Pilgrim's Pathway: Remembrances of Rev. Price Collins,
Price M. Collins
Two Letters of Augusta Dickerson, Augusta Dickerson
Me, Me He Loved Charles Wesley's Life and Hymnody,
Karen Weiss
Brothers to the End
A Newly Discovered Letter of Joseph Pilmore, Joseph Pilmore
Forgotten Churches: Soudersburg, Rev. Lorenzo D. McClintock
Henry Boehm at Soudersburg
Rev. Richard Sneath, (History Snapshot)
Temperance Day 1891, (History Snapshot)
Soudersburg's 1902 Centennial Celebration, (History Snapshot)
Minutes of the 1804 Philadelphia Conference
The Lord was with Us, William Colbert
Simpson House Becomes a United Methodist Heritage Landmark, Rev. David R. Adam
Echoes of Shiloh AME Church, Rev. Joseph F.DiPaolo